How to make bold the text before colon character in Microsoft Word

Assume that we have a word document as below:
Definition 1: Description 1
Definition 2: Description 2
Definition 3: Description 3
And you want to make the text bold before a colon (:) punctuation on each line in a Microsoft Word document as shown below:
Definition 1: Description 1
Definition 2: Description 2
Definition 3: Description 3
Making texts bold before a colon character
1. First, open search and replace box in Microsoft Word. You might click Ctrl+F buttons, and then click the triangle at theright side of the search bar to access Replace functionality.
2. In the search box, enter
This searches for a return character, followed by a sequence of characters ending in a colon.
3. Enable "Use wildcards" after clicking More >> button.
4. In the replace box, enter
The ^p replaces the return character with a return character, and the \1 matches what was found in the brackets in the search pattern.
5. Then, choose Formatting/Font/Bold after clicking More >> button.
6. Lastly, click Replace All button...