
A 100% pure .NET Financial Information eXchange (FIX) protocol library. Includes a TCP/IP engine, messages (4.0/4.1/4.2/4.3/4.4), and message database.
FIX4NET is a .NET Financial Information eXchange (FIX) protocol library. It includes a TCP/IP engine, messages built for FIX version(4.0/4.2/4.4), and flat file message database. With this library you should have little difficulty establishing FIX connections in .NET.
FIX4NET is an open source software that will let you perform:
•- Communications
• Data Formats
• Investment tasks.
It's free for both personal and commercial use, thus the perfect choice for those that want an alternative for:
• Communications
• Data Formats
• Investment programs.
In order to download FIX4NET you just have to click on the Free Download button above and you'll be able to save the 0 setup on your computer. The latest version was released on 2008-11-02 and is compatible with 32-bit MS Windows (NT/2000/XP), 64-bit MS Windows. If you have any questions about using this program, feel free to ask other users on our Software Support forum.
There seems to have some gaps in its implementation and its support and documentation is not as good as quickfix.
Contents related to 'fix4net'
Financial Information Exchange (FIX) API: FIX (Financial Information Exchange) API (application programming interface) is an electronic communications protocol for financial information exchange.
Rapid Addition FIX API: The RA–Cheetah™ FIX engine is the highest performing messaging engine for the FIX protocol.
QuickFIX: QuickFIX is the worlds first Open Source C++ FIX (Financial Information eXchange) engine, helping financial institutions easily integrate with each other.
OnixS FIX Engine: OnixS FIX Engine family of ultra low latency .NET / C# FIX Engine, C++ FIX Engine, Java FIX Engine and FAST Decoders/Encoders.
FIX Antenna: FIX Antenna™ C++ is specifically designed to deliver high performance.
VersaFix: The VersaFix project is focused on developing an open-source FIX engine for the .NET platform.