CppUnit is a unit testing framework module for the C++ programming language, described as a C++ port of JUnit.
The framework runs tests in suites. Test result output is sent to a filter, the most basic being a simple pass or fail count printed out, or more advanced filters allowing XML output compatible with continuous integration reporting systems.
The library is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License. It allows unit-testing of C sources as well as C++ with minimal source modification. Features:
• XML output with hooks for additional data (XSL format avaliable in release 1.10.2 needs some Fixing)
• Compiler-like text output to integrate with an IDE
• Helper macros for easier test suite declaration
• Hierarchical test fixture support
• Test registry to reduce recompilation need
• Test plug-in for faster compile/test cycle (self testable dynamic library)
• Protector to encapsulate test execution (allow capture of exception not derived from std::exception)
Contents related to 'CppUnit'
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